SLR Rain Protection

Storm Jacket Camera Covers

Keep your camera protected!

The best camera cover is the one that actually gets used. And because Storm Jackets are lightweight, easy to carry and so easy to put on, they've become the camera cover of choice for thousands of photographers worldwide for more than 15 years. Storm Jackets are available in several models, sizes and colors. They are the perfect solution for protecting any SLR, most lenses, and popular mirrorless cameras.

White Balance Reference System

The WarmCards White Balance Reference System is a special set of white balance cards that make it easy to get a warmer, richer, more pleasing white balance from professional video & television cameras – at the time of shooting  – thus saving you time in post.

Over 39,000 sets have been sold since 2001. WarmCards are used at every broadcast and cable network.

Training Videos and Field Guides

Over the past 12 years Doug Jensen's in-depth Master Class instructional videos and camcorder field guides have become the gold standard for training in the video/television industry.  Whether you want to get the most out of your camcorder; learn to light & shoot high-end "60 Minutes"-style interviews; or become proficient at grading Sony S-LOG & RAW footage in DaVinci Resolve -- we've got the training for you.

Customer Reviews